Preserve Your Core with Mamsys Legacy Application Maintenance

Legacy applications are the backbone of many businesses, but they can become outdated and vulnerable. Mamsys offers specialized maintenance services to ensure these systems remain efficient, secure, and compliant. We help you protect your essential applications, allowing you to focus on innovation and growth.


Revitalize Your Legacy Systems with Mamsys

Maintaining legacy applications is essential for sustaining business operations and staying competitive. Mamsys addresses this critical need by offering comprehensive maintenance services that ensure system stability, enhance performance, and secure sensitive data. Our proactive approach and customized solutions solve the complex challenges of aging applications, ensuring they remain an asset rather than a liability to your business.

Immediate Benefits of Legacy Application Maintenance


Expertise Across Diverse Legacy Systems

By leveraging Mamsys' extensive experience with various legacy systems, businesses receive tailored maintenance solutions that ensure optimal system performance and longevity.


Customized Talent Search

Drawing from the insights gathered during the consultation phase,we craft a customized recruitment strategy tailored to your organization's needs.This strategy may include targeted sourcing methods, specialized job postings, and leveraging our extensive network within the IT industry.


Geographical Reach

Mamsys offers support across multiple regions, providing consistent maintenance services regardless of location, which ensures seamless operations for businesses with a global footprint.


Comprehensive Archiving Solutions

With Mamsys' robust archiving services, businesses can securely store and manage legacy data, ensuring compliance and easy access to historical information when needed.


Support During Mergers and Acquisitions

Mamsys ensures seamless integration and maintenance of legacy systems during mergers and acquisitions, reducing downtime and facilitating smooth transitions.


Experienced Team

By utilizing Mamsys' skilled team with deep knowledge of legacy systems, businesses benefit from effective and efficient maintenance without the need for extensive in-house expertise.


Risk Mitigation

Mamsys reduces risks associated with outdated systems through proactive maintenance and strategic updates, ensuring business continuity and stability.


Strategic Transition Planning

Mamsys develops and implements strategies for gradual system modernization, allowing businesses to maintain operational continuity while upgrading their technology stack.


Enhanced Data Security

Mamsys implements advanced security measures to protect sensitive data within legacy systems, safeguarding businesses from potential security breaches and data loss.


Customized Solutions

Mamsys offers tailored maintenance plans that address the specific needs and challenges of each legacy system, ensuring that businesses receive the most relevant and effective support.


Proactive Monitoring and Support

Mamsys provides continuous monitoring and rapid response to issues, ensuring optimal system performance and minimizing downtime for businesses.

Ensure seamless operation and modernization of your critical business systems.

Ensure seamless operation and modernization of your critical business systems.

Methodology for Delivering
Legacy Application Maintenance Services at Mamsys

At Mamsys, our Legacy Application Maintenance Services is a strategic blend of precision and innovation, crafted to seamlessly transform digital experiences. Our methodology encompasses the following key stages:

Step 1/ Initial Assessment and Planning:

In this step, Mamsys conducts thorough discussions with stakeholders to gather requirements and performs a detailed audit of existing legacy systems. The scope of maintenance services is defined, and a dedicated team is assembled to handle the project.

Step 2/ Knowledge Transfer:

Mamsys reviews all available documentation and conducts stakeholder interviews to understand the intricacies of the legacy applications. The maintenance team undergoes training to ensure they are well-equipped to manage and troubleshoot the systems effectively.

Step 3/ Maintenance Strategy Development:

In this step, Mamsys develops a comprehensive maintenance strategy covering preventive, corrective, adaptive, and perfective maintenance activities. The strategy is tailored to address specific needs and ensure the long-term health of the legacy applications.

Step 4/ Implementation of Maintenance Services:

Mamsys sets up monitoring systems, implements an issue management process, and handles patch management and performance optimization activities. Continuous monitoring and regular reporting ensure that the systems remain stable and performant.

Step 5/ Quality Assurance and Testing:

Mamsys conducts regression testing, user acceptance testing, and automated testing to ensure the reliability and stability of the legacy applications. Thorough testing is essential to minimize the risk of introducing new issues during maintenance activities.

Step 6/ Documentation and Knowledge Management:

Mamsys maintains up-to-date documentation and a knowledge base to facilitate knowledge transfer and streamline issue resolution. Documentation is continuously updated to reflect the latest changes and enhancements made to the legacy applications.

Step 7/ Continuous Improvement and Support:

Mamsys collects feedback from users and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and conducts regular reviews of maintenance strategy and performance metrics. Ongoing training and development ensure that the maintenance team remains up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies.

Step 8/ Transition Planning:

Mamsys identifies and mitigates risks associated with maintaining legacy systems and develops a strategic plan for transitioning to newer technologies. The transition plan ensures minimal disruption to business operations and alignment with long-term business goals.

Legacy Application Maintenance Tools & Technologies

Our team specializes in Legacy app maintenace and leverages a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools and technologies to transform digital experiences. We equip our partners with proven tools designed to pave the way for their success.

  • GitHub
  • Jira
  • SonarQube
  • Selenium
  • Junit
  • AppDynamics
  • DokuWiki
  • Docker
  • Apache Spark
  • .Net
  • Linux
  • SQL
"Mamsys orchestrated a flawless API integration, seamlessly linking our legacy systems with the cutting-edge applications they developed. This not only bridged the gap between old and new but catapulted our business into a realm of enhanced performance and growth."

Senior Product Manager

Healthcare Industry

Partnering with Mamsys for Legacy Application Maintenance Services

Embarking on the journey of API integration for legacy systems with Mamsys is a strategic decision poised for remarkable outcomes.

Our partnership promises a seamless transition from outdated infrastructures to a future-ready, interconnected ecosystem. Mamsys brings unparalleled expertise, ensuring that your legacy systems not only adapt to modern demands but thrive in the evolving technological landscape. With a proven track record of delivering transformative results, partnering with Mamsys guarantees enhanced operational efficiency, improved data accessibility, and the agility to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Mamsys Other Legacy Application Modernization Services


Stay Ahead of the Technological Curve

Modernize your aging applications for maximum performance