Case Study
Automation of Sales Order using SAP BTP
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Automating sales order processes using SAP BTP lead to increased efficiency, accuracy, and overall improvement in the sales order processing lifecycle.
Sector: Manufacturing Industry | Country: USA
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Problem Statement
The current standard Fiori application used by the sales team for entering sales orders lacks several critical features necessary for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales process. These limitations include:
  1. Lack of timely notification of service personnel within the sales team upon the creation of the latest sales order.
  2. Absence of comprehensive tracking capabilities to monitor the entire lifecycle of sales orders from initiation to fulfillment.
  3. Failure to accurately calculate service costs based on vendor, order type, and other relevant factors.
  4. Lack of integration of branch office and vendor-level stock information to ensure optimal order confirmation decisions.
  5. Inability to automate the generation of essential documents such as quotations, sales orders, and service orders to streamline workflows and minimize manual efforts.
Sales Order Automation (BTP) Fiori Portal 01 02 Order to Cash Sales Order 03 S4HANA 04
Sales Order Automation (BTP)
  1. Fiori Portal
  2. Order to Cash
  3. Sales Order
  4. S4HANA
Proposed Solution

The proposed solution uses SAP BTP with SAP UI5, RPA (Robotic Process Automation) bot, SAC (SAP Analytics on Cloud), S4HANA data with CDS views and SAP CAP to address these shortcomings.


A framework used to build modern, responsive web applications.

RPA bot

A software robot used to automate sales-related tasks such as the sales process, sending notifications, tracking the progress of sales orders, and finding the cost for service.


A cloud-based platform used to create and manage reports.

S/4HANA data with CDS views

S/4HANA is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system used to store data about sales orders. CDS views are a powerful way to model data in SAP HANA.


A cloud-based platform used to create and manage data models.

  • Increased efficiency: The solution helped increase the efficiency of the sales team by automating many of the tasks involved in the sales process.

  • Improved visibility: The solution provided the sales team with better visibility into the sales process, allowing them to identify and address any potential problems early on.

  • Increased customer satisfaction: The solution helped improve customer satisfaction by providing them with accurate quotes and timely delivery of services.